Saturday, June 26, 2021



To all those who suffer silently, you are not alone!


Days and nights are long,

Don’t want to do anything,

Will this ever end?


Staring in the night, 

Million thoughts passing me by,

No one to share with!


The world sees colours,

I see only black and white,

Where is the rainbow?


Life has no meaning,

Everything seems blank, want to

Find something to fill


I’ve tried it before,

Did not work out very well.

Will I smile again?


Want to try once more,

It’s unnerving I know, yet

I’ll do this for me.



Forget the past now

Show myself love and kindness

It is a new day!


Do little, feel good,

Do something more, feel better,

Every single day!


Reach out and connect,

Never know who’s listening,

Take that leap of faith!


I’ll take the first step,

Talk to someone known unknown,

Time to live again!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Run Smarter

Recently, I found myself thinking about our lives before the pandemic. What was a typical day like? Reflecting back on those times, I kept veering to the word ‘running’!

For so many of us working adults, most days were packed with early morning breakfasts, preparing lunch boxes, and rushing to work. For those of us with children, it was additionally about school drop-offs and pick-ups and scooting kids to their hobby classes. Somewhere in between all this, we tried to somehow finish our work tasks and home chores. Before we knew it, it was bed time. We’d repeat the entire drill the next day, and on all the days that followed!

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted our lives and lifestyles completely, putting a screeching halt to the uncontrollable speed that we were trying to steer our lives at. Our survival instincts were tested but we all managed to get back on track fairly well in a matter of 16-odd months, of course stumbling our way up and leaning on each other for support. Everyone, adults and children alike, showed tremendous resilience and adapted to the pandemic in their own ways.

With the pandemic forcing us to stay indoors and within our confined spaces, I wonder if our days have really changed all that much. Listening to others about their routines during the pandemic, I’m forced to ask this question again - did the pandemic really change our daily routines and lives? Did it transform our days for the better or for worse?

In the pandemic, we did not run across home, office, schools, and other places. But we still ran, albeit within our own homes – from room to room. We also ran across the rooms of our minds – getting exhausted mentally and emotionally - trying to accomplish everything and more in a single day! Even in the comfort of our own homes, we kept running nevertheless!

We mastered the art of ‘running’ in the pandemic. On most days, we reached the finish line and achieved our daily goals with flying colours. We soon got ready to run the race again the next day.
In our endeavour to do more and accomplish more, or simply trying to wrap up those ever-increasing task lists, did we remember to smile and laugh or hug our loved ones? Did we notice something new and colourful in the garden? Did we call on a long-lost friend or family member to see how they are doing?

Are were so busy running from ‘place to place’, day to day, task to task, that those who really matter to us merely become a beautiful blur, slowly fading away!

Have we understood what we’re running after and why, day after day?

We all will have chores to do, work to complete, families to look after and dreams to chase. Some days will be busier and crazier than others, and we can’t run away from those.

As we settle into the next normal, let’s put on our running shoes again - home shoes, work shoes, parent shoes and other kinds that we may have. But this time, let’s remember to change the way we run in those shoes.

Let’s “run smarter!”

It’s simply how we manage ourselves daily and enjoy precious moments along the way!

Let’s keep running towards our goals and dreams, and this time around, take the time to stretch a little, jump and dance a little, smile and thank some more and love and hug a lot more.

Let’s remember to savor, appreciate and treasure this run of our lives!

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

                                    “When you can’t find it outside, you look within!”

Monday, June 7, 2021

Busy Days


                                                            On long busy days,
                                                            For a quiet smile, I have
                                                            My hot ginger chai!

Saturday, June 5, 2021

“Mummy, What Should I be?”

With two young girls aged 12 and 6 years, our days at home are filled with a lot of creativity and fun. A very interesting conversation we’ve been having lately revolves around what they should be when they grow up. Often, one of them comes up to me and asks, “Mummy, what should I be when I grow up?” “Should I be a dancer or a baker? Or, maybe I’ll be a teacher? Can I be a dance teacher?” “You tell me, Mummy, what should I be?”

Invariably, my answer is always the same. “You should become whoever and whatever you’d like to be, my love!”

We celebrated Mother’s Day recently and I found myself thinking about our recent conversation again. I genuinely believe that my girls would do whatever and go wherever their hearts lead them to – their destination will always be one of their own choice and passion. Although I do hope that their journey is as fulfilling as the path they take to achieve their dreams and goals.

Thinking back on our little chats, I penned down a few lines trying to answer this important question for them.


Mummy, what should I be?

You can be a baker or a doctor,

An artist or a dancer,                                                   

Whatever passion and profession you find,

Remember to be compassionate and kind.


Some days may seem sunny and fun,

On others, you simply want to run.

Be honest and strong,

Yet, never side with the wrong.


Be determined and act with grit,

Laugh along and show your wit.


Yet on some days, if you seem to falter,

Be open minded to be an explorer.


Aim high and reach for the stars,

Follow your path, though the goal may seem so far.

Have faith and carry on even when you tumble,

And when you succeed, remember to always stay humble.


Be generous to others and show them empathy,

Be loving and patient, with others especially.

Wherever life takes you, whatever your destiny,

Keep smiling and look up - let that be your legacy.


Be a pilot and fly high in the skies,

Or be the one who studies the stars.

With all your dreams pursued,

Show some character, show some attitude,

And remember to always express your gratitude.


Be mindful, be heartful,

Or simply be joyful!

Be whatever you want to be,

And at times when the world seems too fast,

Pause. Breathe. And simply be!


Friday, June 4, 2021

A Haiku, dedicated to To all Women


                                                           She’s the best, they say,

                                                           Mother, Wife, Granny and more,

                                                           It’s “me”, they forget!

Let’s Be – in Hope, Kindness and Gratitude

Game Changer. Show Stopper. These terms have mostly been said of events and people who transformed something for the better. The COVID-19 pandemic has done just that – changed the game and stopped the show of our lives several times - although for the worst. It has impacted everyone globally without distinguishing between the rich and the poor, the old and the young.

It has reset our lives – forcing us to reimagine our attitudes, priorities and behaviour – the way we work, our relationships, our goals, our value systems, the way we learn and simply, the way we live!

Many of us returned back to our old ways of living after the first wave seemed to subside. But, very soon the unforgiving virus rose again with vengeance, as a deadly show stopper to our new normal. Scores of people are affected, countless families are torn apart, communities are destroyed as humanity is struggling to cope with the enormity of the pandemic this time around.

In my discussions with several individuals from different walks of life, some are able to talk about what they are going through but there are so many who are unable to find the right words and muster the courage to express their feelings.

Yet, I find that there is so much that is being said without them speaking - their fears and anxieties, their hopes and dreams. More than words, it is their silence and the empty look on their faces that narrate their painful stories.

If there is one thing that the COVID-19 virus has taught us, it is that we must live our lives in a way that no external force can disrupt it. As we change our attitudes and behaviour to adapt to the new normal, we must strengthen our value systems to prioritize health and well-being, empathy and kindness, patience and pace, gratitude and giving, hope and faith. Communities and countries can achieve this only if every individual takes up this responsibility. The future of humanity lies, not only on institutions and governments, but on each and every one of us. 

Let us be the Game Changers and Show Stoppers of our own lives!

Let us embrace a new way of living - one with Hope, Kindness and Gratitude.

It's Your Way

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